Sunday, April 02, 2006

Q said...

Thankyou for the most methodical investigation to my last Query, it has proven a great ice-breaker at all my social events... and now for my new question: When it comes to decision making I fail to have the will power to pick a correct option without the need of using the tried & tested methods of Scissor/paper/rock; heads or tails; eenie, meenie, mhinie, mo; shortest staw etc... but they have become tiresome & I beseech you to investigate other systems that can be used & that are just as fun... I regard your judgement highly-is there even a method you favour?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

meatloaf said...

After successfully answering my last query which therefore allowed me a peaceful nights sleep (many thanks) as well as having the excitement of a future trip to the theatre to see \'Fame\' the musical (which I promptly booked straight away), I now once again find myself restless at the thought of my next question I pose to you: Why is Dick short for Richard, Bill short for William etc, etc... I can understand Jimmy for James etc a little better but those such as the first 2 are a puzzle... please Hugh Evans enlighten Meatloaf.